If you are making a compensation claim for a cycling accident injury, you will need a medical assessment.
Cycling accidents frequently result in visible and painful injuries such as scrapes, cuts and broken bones. However, you may also have less-obvious injuries, like a concussion, leading to more serious and longer-term consequences.
Aside from the financial impact that a more accurate assessment of your injury will have on your claim, a medical examination will also reveal the extent of less visible injuries, with recommended treatment.
When will the medical assessment be carried out?
Your solicitor will arrange the medical assessment at the outset of your claim. The sooner your injuries are assessed, the sooner your solicitor will be able to calculate the compensation you are owed.
Where will my medical assessment be?
Your solicitor will ensure that your medical assessment will be carried out locally, at a time and place that suits you. Your injuries will be assessed by a qualified and experienced medical professional, often a local GP.
The medical is entirely confidential.
Why do I need a medical assessment?
The assessment is an independent, expert report. The purpose of the assessment is to provide evidence of the injuries you have sustained and the impact they may have on your life - both now and in the future.
The assessment will be used to support your claim to give the maximum chance of success. If your injuries are complex, there may be a need for you to have more than one assessment over time, in order to determine your long term recovery and the projected costs that you may incur in the future.
Who pays for the assessment?
Under a no win, no fee agreement, you will not have to pay for the medical upfront. The cost of the assessment is a disbursement that is paid by the defendant. You will not have to pay for the medical, even if your claim is unsuccessful.
See also:
Do I need to use a local solicitor to make an injury claim?
How Cycling Injury Legal can help you
With decades of experience handling no wn, no fee cycling injury claims, our panel of solicitors is here to answer your questions, explain your rights, and support your claim without any obligation to proceed.
Our team will coordinate with medical professionals near you, making the process as easy as possible.
We'll help with every aspect of your claim, from initial medical evaluations through to to getting the best compensation settlement for your injuries.